Tambour Beading


The fabric streched on the frame is transparent, in this case the beads or sequins will be threaded on the working thread coming from the back, and the hook working from the front.

Samples working from the back

Samples working from the back


The fabric streched is totally thick, the beads or sequins will be taken one by one with the hook, and the fabric facing the front.

Samples working from the front

Samples working from the front


    Tambour is the French word for drum and tambour work is embroidery done with a hook where the fabric must be stretched tight as a drum. The fabric is stretched and laced or sewn on on a rectangular frame or in a circular frame. A tambour hook makes one stitch, the chain stitch. The hook is held on top of the frame with the threaded beads or sequins underneath. 

    When a Tambour hook is used for beading and sequins, the beads are threaded onto the working thread and the design is worked from the back side, with the "wrong" side of the fabric facing the embroiderer.



Tambour Beading Frame

Tambour Beading Frame